Explore all the fun things to do in and around Farmington, Michigan
Nature Education Series – For Adults
December Theme – SEED SOWING!
Pre-registration required → https://tinyurl.com/fhncadultseriesfall2024
Zoom webinar (Dec. 3) → https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82688553502
Broaden your horizons and enhance your nature knowledge! Explore a new topic each month. We will cover the basics during a FREE, VIRTUAL Zoom presentation December 3rd. Then join us for an in-depth IN-PERSON program to dive deeper into the topic on December 10th. You can register for both the VIRTUTAL and the IN-PERSON class OR attend one or the other. Each class will have a different focus. Open to all skill levels.
Age: Adult
Cost: R/NR $5/$10
Activity Number: PN4221